Nov 24, 2009

[Diary Stroke Dementia Patient] Alzheimer's Disease/Diary Stroke Dementia Pat...

     It is currently estimated that over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease dementia. Many of whom are in the mild to moderate stages of the disease.
Alzheimer's dementia is a brain disorder that affects thinking and awareness, behavior, and the ability to function. It it the most common form of dementia and is a progressive disease for which there is currently no cure. It is estimated that one to four family members take on the role of caregiver for each individual afflicted with this disease.

Posted By Diane to Diary Stroke Dementia Patient at 11/25/2009 01:15:00 AM

1 comment:

Bob Tell said...

I have expressed the following thoughts before on several blogs. However, I believe they are worth repeating. Caregiver burnout is a major issue for those with this awesome responsibility. Don't overlook the role of humor to make things more bearable. Things that made me angry and frustrated when my mother (who had dementia)was alive, in retrospect are filled with funny happenings. This is true too for the many caregivers who read my blog and contact me about my book which emphasizes humor as a healing balm. Caregivers need all the emotional support they can get. Dementia is a disease that knows no boundaries. It is blind to the
categories in which we usually place our fellow human beings. It can occur at the age of 55 or 85. It can happen to Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, males and females, rich and poor. It will not spare ex-presidents or ex-prime ministers. It did not spare my mother. Tears are shed by husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters—in fact anyone responsible for the care of a loved one with dementia.

Bob Tell, Author
Dementia Diary, A Caregiver's Journal